January 29, 2010

Rainbows and Suds- Cecilia is 6 Months

There is a long standing tradition in my family. One that dates back to me as a baby. When a grandchild is able to sit up on their own, it is time for the bath in Ma's sink! Cecilia has mastered the art of sitting, and so we made a plan to celebrate her 6 month birthday at her Great Ma and Pa's house and have her first bath in Ma's sink. She woke up on Friday morning with a fever of about 100*. We decided to follow through with our plans and headed south. Even with her fever, she had a great time playing with the rainbows on Ma's floor, and splashing around in the sink. (Thank goodness for Tylenol.)

At 6 months old Cecilia has enough hair to get a barrette in it. She sits up on her own. She can get where ever she wants by rolling and doing a side-scootch on the floor. She takes about 3 "snaps" (short naps) a day, and still gets up at least once during the night. She loves her blanket, and she has to have it before she will fall asleep (I better go buy an extra for the future). We taught her how to clap, and it is the cutest thing. She is starting to pull herself up on things and will stand with support for as long as we will hold her up. She loves her fuzzies (cats and dog), although the love is not necessarily reciprocated from the cats. She knows who Mom, Dad, Grandma & Pops are, and she gets very happy and smiley when any of them enter her vision. She is now wearing the medium size gDiaper, and primarily wears 3-6 month clothes still. We love her so much, it really is indescribable. I can't believe she is already 6 months old.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is so adorable!! I LOVE the picture of her playing with her book, too precious!! Congrats, you guys, it sounds like it has been an awesome first 6 months!


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